Argan oil is rich in nutrients that benefit your hair health. It’s frequently used in restoration and nutrition even in the worst cases (most damaged hair cases). Argan oil has plenty of Vitamin E and antioxidants that will block damage from some components in hair products. Another big benefit of argan oil is the amount of hairs it can be applied on (basically all types of hair) with a big boost of wellness in hairs that are coloured that need special treatment. What an hydrated hair and full of shine Argan oil is your oil to go. Hair loss decreases almost instantly as well which we obviously see as a big benefit right Used in the right amount, the right amount of times, argan oil also has huge impact in the hair elasticity making it healthy. Argan oil in conclusion, it’s an amazing ingredient in some of our products like xtraight or BioHairvolux and surely will be a good friend of yours once you start using and benefiting from this amazing ingredient!
Argan oil – What benefits does it have
por vitakerlondon | mar 30, 2020 | News | 0 Comentários