news & blog

Beautiful Summer Hair
Everyone knows that is difficult to have a Beautiful Summer Hair, even because the sun attacks a lot your hair, especially during the summertime....
Argan oil – What benefits does it have
Argan oil is rich in nutrients that benefit your hair health. It’s frequently used in restoration and nutrition even in the worst cases (most...
Macadamia is on many of our products but do you know its benefits and where it’s from We’ll explain!
Macadamia it’s one of the finest nuts in the planet. Native from Australia this plant (which is fruit is the macadamia nut). Has a high nutritional...
Do you know what women’s hair best friend oil is That’s right, coconut oil!
Coconut oil adds shine to your hair like nothing else, it penetrates your hair fiber and leaves your hair smoother, by returning the nutrients lost...